Sunday, July 1, 2012

Influence on Smoking

(Lindstorm, 2011)
In the past, cigarette ads tempted people to smoke. Now, cigarette commercials have been replaced with graphic antismoking ads that show what smoking really does to people. Many ads like the one above showed men getting beautiful women, children giving their parents cigarettes as a present, military preferred brand, and many other schemes to get people to smoke.
(Lindstorm, 2011)
This ad promoted that doctors preferred this brand over others. People did not always believe that smoking was bad for their health. At first, everyone smoked, even before they started school, and when doctors started saying that smoking was not good for the body, many people did not believe it.
(Pattinson is a Chain Smoker, 2011)
The famous Robert Pattinson, from the Twilight Saga as well as many cast mates, smoke cigarettes. In 2009, Pattinson was featured in GQ magazine smoking a cigarette. Smoking is never a habit to glorify and yet still magazines feature celebrities posing with a cigarette hanging out of their mouth. In the past, it was not known what happens to people that smoke, but now there is no excuse. Children and teens look up to these celebrities as role models and instead of a positive influence, this is what they see.
(Famous Actress Part XI, 2012)
Actress Calista Flockhart poses with a cigarette in her hand as though the idea of smoking is sexy. This sends a horrible message to girls that they will be sexy if they smoke. Smoking is an addicting habit and is very dangerous.

(CDC's Graphic New Smoking Ads, 2012)
Parents do not think too much about their children seeing an actor smoking, but many strongly disagree with the new ads that the Center for Disease Control is putting out to make people aware of what could happen because of smoking. Why is one image is acceptable and the other is not?
(CDC's Graphic New Smoking Ads, 2012)
These new ads are putting fear into children and teens. Fear is what will keep them from starting to smoke. If all the ever see is the famous stars smoking and they are idolized for it, why would they choose to do differently than them?
(CDC's Graphic New Smoking Ads, 2012)
This ad has caused many angered parents, but yet it is acceptable to see famous stars smoke and show cleavage. There are already enough bad influences in the world for teens and young adults, these ads are trying to create a better future for the youth!

Today, there are so many bad influences out there for young minds to witness. Yes, The Center for Disease Control's ads are hard to watch, but protesting these ads is not the way to make things better. Instead, protest the idols that are setting the bad example. Let youth see what will happen if they decide to smoke, let them fear it because one day, it might save their life!

Center for Disease Control (2012, March 15). The CDC’s Graphic New Smoking Ads Really go for the Trachea Retrieved from

Discount Cigarettes Box (2012, January 12). Famous Actress Part XI. Retrieved from
Lindstorm, A. (2011, February 11) Well Medicated. Retrieved from

Tobacco Campaign. (2011, October 26). Twilight Star Robert Pattinson is a Chain Smoker. Retrieved from

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